Miranda Sensitive Psychic Review- Is Medium Miranda A Scam?

I came across a Dutch psychic medium named Miranda Sensitive Psychic while looking up a different psychic page called ‘Laura My Clairvoyant,’ which is, without a doubt, a scam. They, along with a website called ‘My Mystic Land,’ are a landing page website that provides links and promotes other psychic scam websites. I will also review them, but I noticed Miranda is more popular, so I wanted to start with her.

The fact that Miranda Sensitive Psychic- who also goes as Medium Miranda- is being promoted by other psychic scam websites automatically told me that she was a scam. However, I wanted to be fair and take the time to research her personally. I started by checking out her website and immediately noticed all the dead giveaways, confirming that she was a psychic scam.

1st Giveaway: She Offers Free Readings

One telltale sign that almost all scamming psychics have in common is giving away “free” readings. Genuine psychics don’t try to trap you into communicating with them by promising you free services. They know they’re gifted and talented and that they provide a valuable service. Giving free readings is a popular tactic amongst fakes. They do this because they know that getting a reading done for free is too good to pass up for many people.
