4 “Must Know” Meditation Tips and Tricks For Beginners

Are you one of the thousands ready to take your life back and be more mindful in your everyday life? Or maybe you’re dealing with anxiety or stress that won’t go away and looking for relief. No matter how hard we try to make our life painless, we all experience obstacles and negativity.

The beginning of the year is a great time to make positive changes that will stay with you forever. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to make meditation part of your routine. The simple act of meditating is proven to relieve stress and negativity. It improves your mental, physical, and spiritual life. We live in a hectic world, and sometimes you must step back from all the problems that bother you.

You must take some time for yourself to sit and breathe. Meditating helps you see things with clearer eyes and a different perspective. It relieves stress and gives you the power and confidence to make the right choices. If you’re interested in starting a meditation routine, these tips will help you get the best results from your practice.

Make Your Surroundings As Peaceful As Possible


You’ll have difficulty quieting your mind and focusing on your breath if you’re in a noisy or busy room. The place where you decide to sit and meditate needs to be free of distractions and as peaceful as possible. It’s hard enough to concentrate on your mind and breath in a tranquil room, so relaxing in a noisy setting is nearly impossible.

Choose a place in your home, at work, or in nature that is quiet and doesn’t have much foot traffic. Once you’ve found a good spot, make it a habit to return to it daily, even if it’s just for five minutes. Making it your own and decorating it with calming and relaxing art and lighting will make it feel more welcoming.

The more welcome you feel, the more you can relax, and it can become your haven. You may not be able to do this at work but try to make it as comforting as possible. If you meditate outdoors, look for a serene setting, like a forest, pond, or the quiet corner of a park. These places have ambiance built into them.

For your home, incense, gemstones, crystals, and candles are the perfect addition to your private little sanctuary. You can use some basic Feng Shui to bring good energy into your room. You’ll find yourself much more relaxed and likely to return day after day once you’ve personalized your meditation space and made it as peaceful as possible.

Don’t Be Afraid To Seek Guidance

group meditation

Many people think you must meditate alone for it to be effective, and this has some truth to it but isn’t entirely accurate. At first, you might not know what you’re doing or are supposed to be doing, and that’s ok. Reaching out to a meditation coach, meditation group, or even a close friend is perfectly fine.

This guidance won’t decrease the effectiveness of your session; what WILL decrease it is allowing those around you to distract you and focusing too much on others. Worrying about what they might think about you, how you look to them, how you sound, etc., will throw off your meditation session. A meditation group or partner can help keep you accountable and make learning easier.

You just need to keep from getting caught up in all the details. Take that time to be alone and reach into the furthest corners of your mind. You can always gather and socialize after the meditation session, but you must do your best to concentrate on yourself, your mind, and your breathing while meditating.

Make Meditation Part Of Your Daily Schedule

to do list

Another benefit of attending a meditation group, workshop, or class is that it puts your practice on a set time and date, which helps it become part of your routine. If you’re practicing alone, you should still set a specific time to stop and take a few minutes for yourself. I know it’s not possible to do it at the same time every day but do your best to keep it as consistent as possible. Another benefit of attending a meditation group, workshop, or class is that it puts your practice on a set time and date, which helps it become part of your routine.

If you’re practicing alone, you should still set a specific time to stop and take a few minutes for yourself. I know it’s not possible to do it at the same time every day but do your best to keep it as consistent as possible. Try to fit both morning and night sessions in, but if you can’t, aim for once a day. Even if it’s only three minutes each time, that’s much better than nothing, and you’ll still see results. As it becomes a habit and a part of your daily routine, you may want to sit longer and longer.

Practice As Much As Possible

practice makes perfect

No matter what you’re trying to learn or master, practice makes perfect. Meditating is no exception. Be easy on yourself as you start your practice, and don’t be disappointed if you can’t keep yourself from being distracted. That’s entirely normal; it might take several weeks to fully focus on nothing but yourself and your breath.

Instead of beating yourself up for being unable to focus, turn it into an opportunity to forgive yourself and treat yourself compassionately. No matter what happens, you can always start over and try again. The more you practice meditating, the easier it is to shut everything out and focus on yourself and your breathing.

As you make it a daily habit, you’ll probably notice yourself subconsciously meditating at other times. You might notice that you remain calm during a particularly stressful situation and keep yourself grounded instead of flying off the handle. Your anxiety and stress drop, and you’ll notice how you can think things through more clearly.

A focused and mindful life starts with your first session. All it takes is choosing to have better mental, spiritual, and physical well-being to make a change. Prioritize yourself and allow yourself to escape the daily grind for as little or as long as possible. The rewards you’ll reap will be plentiful, and you’ll be glad you made such a positive change for yourself.

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Angela Moore founded Psychic Review Online in 2008 after being scammed out of her life savings by a psychic con artist. Since then she has devoted her time to rooting out the frauds and helping people find a real psychic reader.

1 Comment
  1. This is a great article. Good that you mentioned about focus. Most people think that meditation is about focus or suppressing thoughts. This is not true. It is about taking time to get these thoughts out of your head so you can be at peace. Most restlessness happens because we have unprocessed thogughts. When you take time to sit and let these thoughts go out of your system, the end result is an empty and calm mind. So it is ok to have thoughts. You can also use objects like candle or flame to set focus on. But the big part of meditation is to take some time off. You can meditate while taking shower, while walking and even while watching a movie. Like the article suggested, get some guidance if you are unsure how to set a meditation schedule and style that works for you.

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