The Astonishing Results Of The Scientific Study Of Telepathy and Remote Viewing

A skeptical mind is always healthy, but many people may be too quick to dismiss paranormal or esoteric concepts. Telepathy is gaining information or knowledge beyond normal sensory perception, such as your eyes or ears. Instead, this information permeates into your mind through direct communication with another mind.

Say two people are telepathic; they can communicate directly through their minds without saying a word. However, most of the studies conclude that most cases of telepathy are more associated with shared emotions. So, if a telepathic man feels sadness, they might be experiencing another person’s sadness.

Temporal communication is another form of telepathy, and this type of communication involves feeling and seeing events in the future. Although they cannot see the far future, they can often tell how a person will feel. They can also foretell what may happen to them relatively quickly.

Psychologists Are Working To Understand The Science Behind Telepathy


A whole branch of psychologists has devoted their careers to studying and understanding telepathic abilities. This study of this area is known as parapsychology. These psychologists study whether telepathy exists within the human population or is just a plot in science fiction books. However, over the last half-century, research has shown instances where telepathy is provable. There have also been millions of people who have witnessed it firsthand.

One Of The First Studies Was Done At Duke University

Zener cards experiment

One of the most acclaimed scientific studies within the last quarter-century was the research of J.B. Rhine. Rhine was a highly praised professor who worked at Duke University. Rhine founded the Journal of Parapsychology and the parapsychology lab at Duke. He was one of the first to conduct a major parapsychology study.

Hubert Pearce, the subject, was placed over 100 yards away from the experiment assistant J.G. Pratt. Pratt would hold Zener cards and face away from Pearce, who would sit in the campus library. From 1933 to 1934, Pearce successfully guessed the shape behind the Zener cards 558 times out of 1850. That was a statistical miracle. Rhine deduced that people are born with some level of telepathy. He called it extrasensory perception, or ESP for short.

This ESP allows a person to see an object or idea with their mind. A central aspect of most research is the connection of emotions between people. For example, most people would say their connection to their children or loved ones creates a unique bond. Thanks to this bond, they can “feel” what the other person is going through or is thinking. Some of the latest scientific theories allow such a possibility within physics.

If Quantum Physics Is True, Telepathy Is Scientifically Possible

quantum physics telepathy

According to Nick Herbert, a Ph.D. from Stanford University, if quantum physics is a realistic explanation for the universe, then telepathy is possible. Herbert states this is because atoms exist as their form of consciousness and can freely cross through space and time, not confined to matter or energy.

Hence, humans can feel emotions through space and time that can measure an idea from anyone living or dead. Experts often hold annual conferences to detail case studies that psychologists study and present to parapsychology experts. In 2000, a conference held by The Journal of Science and Psychoanalysis presented several case studies by Professor Quirino Zangrilli, an Italian professor of psychoanalysis.

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Professor Zangrilli’s Cases

One case involved a man who came to the psychological center highly distraught. The man complained about having immense pain and anxiety during his sleep. He also kept speaking of a strange fear that had to do with a car catching fire. He couldn’t stop this feeling of danger associated with his father. Weeks later, his father almost died in a terrible car accident that nearly caught on fire. Another case study involved two brothers.

One lived far away in Italy, while the other lived close to their ailing grandmother. Unfortunately, the grandmother was terminally ill and didn’t have long left on this earth. The closest brother visited her, and upon entering, she mistook him for the other brother in her confused state. They told her it was her other grandson, and not long after, she passed away.

The brother noted that she died at midnight since the church bells near the hospital rang. The following day, the furthest brother called the younger brother to ask if anything had happened to their grandmother. He was curious because he awoke at midnight to the feeling of someone knocking at the door. It was a female voice that kept saying she was his grandmother and that she wanted to see him.

He dismissed the feeling because she was ill and was in a hospital so far away. Imagine his surprise when his brother told him that was the time their grandma passed away! According to Professor Zangrilli, these are examples of how telepathy works through the unconscious of dreams and dream-like states. They do this to give individuals a portal toward the universe unbounded by space or time.

The Ganzfeld Experiment Showed ESP Is Real

ganzfeld experiments

One other example from the scientific literature is the legendary Ganzfeld experiment. Ganzfeld is a German word that means “entire field.” A typical Ganzfeld experiment requires the subject to be inside a sensory deprivation isolation chamber. These chambers block out all external stimuli so the person inside cannot sense anything. They can’t see, hear, smell, feel, or taste anything when inside.

They put one person inside the chamber and one outside for the experiment. The person outside receives audio-visual images like movies, pictures, or music. Then, this outsider tries their best to transmit what they are experiencing to the person inside. To transmit, the outsider must concentrate entirely on what they saw or heard.

They have to try to send these thoughts into the other person’s mind. After a few minutes in the chamber, they take the person out. They are then shown images, movies, or sounds and asked if they saw or experienced those sights and sounds. Overall, most experiment subjects could guess 35 percent of the time. That’s a remarkable statistic overall and possible evidence of telepathy existing.

Skepticism Aside, There Is Hard Evidence Telepathy Is Real

scientific evidence telepathy

No one says one cannot be skeptical of these findings or try to counter them. But, the sheer fact someone scientifically performed these experiments shows the legitimacy behind parapsychology and telepathy. People often joke about calling a psychic, thinking they can’t help or pick up emotions.

However, with a large body of literature showing there is more to the human mind than we know, we shouldn’t doubt telepathy or psychic ability claims. So, next time you think about speaking to a psychic, consider going through with it! Even the United States Government believes psychics exist. Check out my story of how the US Government assembled a team of psychic spies to help them.

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Angela Moore founded Psychic Review Online in 2008 after being scammed out of her life savings by a psychic con artist. Since then she has devoted her time to rooting out the frauds and helping people find a real psychic reader.

  1. I’ve been needing answers for my ways of my thought process.I tend to dream,sense,and see images of people and things.I know when there is something up to good or bad.Mostly bad and that’s the part I don’t like to deal with.I need a lending hand to teach me how to control and know what’s what.My family think’s I’m crazy but I believe it is a gift giving to me.It worry’s me and I need self assurance for myself.

  2. My mother passed 2012 and I had seen these 3 lime green orbs appear coming towards me, I blinked then two frosty clear ones appeared that were smaller.

    I believe my mother was showing me she was with her father and mother again in Gods’ hands. The two frosty ones I believe was to show me my father and mother were back together again finally!

    Looked it up also and the green meant for me not to be sad, that my momma is ok in heaven!!! It was the most beautiful site you ever seen. Never got a picture of that time, but I do have pictures of some inside and outside the house, the frosty orbs. I call them Angels! That green was so heavenly and gave me such peace it was beautiful! I drew a picture it looked like they were in motion but I do not know? There was one large one towards me, the second was a bit smaller, size of a softball sort of the last was about size of a tennis ball. The first was size of a frizzby. They all have disappeared after I seen the green ones that day in April 2012, around then? Kimberly

  3. Very , Very real truth. I have been going through something for the past few years and I think it would be of interest to you. When ever I watch a movie it happens in the News (I’m talking about the World Stage)….every single time…at first I just thought ..Wow that’s weird…almost like I’m being watched by the media or something…. then it turned serious …bringing me to my knee’s in some instances in disbelief that this is happening to me…I started to keep track of everything but I’m on over load and in way over my head…I have papers and folders all over my apartment and my wall is covered with print outs trying to put the information in order (and even trying to control the information)….I don’t watch regular TV (it overwhelms me) and I’m very selective of the movies I view (I’m not God and I feel weird)….I wish I could have someone to work with…, someone to help me keep track of the events…and what sparked them…some one to help me choose what I view ……someone that feels the importance of such a strong invisible connection with people and life…where would I find such an intelligent person….???

    • Thats very strange Fatima. It could be a coincidence but good record keeping will help you put the pieces together. Unfortunately I don’t know anyone that can help you do that.

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