Are Curses And Spells A Real Thing?

Believing in curses and spells dates back to the beginning of time. History is full of famous curses, like King Tut’s Curse, The Kennedy Curse, and The Curse Of The Hope Diamond. However, these aren’t curses; they’re just a series of coincidences. We’ve been lied to as far back as we can remember.

One of the oldest examples of curses and spells is a 2,000-year-old set of mysterious scrolls unearthed in Serbia. The ancient scrolls had curses written all over them. Understandably, people in ancient times blamed curses and spells for their bad luck. Life was more complicated back then, so they looked to divine beings to explain things that happened to them.

They firmly believed that Gods and supernatural powers were responsible for their lives, not themselves. They felt that if they lived their life in a way that pleased the Gods, everything would be fine, and if they did something to upset them, the Gods would punish them.

Curses And Revenge Go Hand In Hand

As time passed, they started believing they had the power to curse others too. They created spell formulas and named individuals who they felt wronged them. If someone belittled or degraded them, they would make small statues resembling them. Voodoo dolls are another version of this. They would use curses as a way of getting revenge on someone. 

It was the equivalent of going on social media to blast your enemy. Similar to taking someone who angered you down with the meanest words you can imagine. Since social media didn’t exist then, they would go to their local magician and pay them to “curse” their enemy instead. It’s true; our words truly do hold a lot of power. People took this concept and ran with it, crediting what we say for what happened.

Words are potent seeds of creation, but the power of belief is just as mighty. Our words hold power because it’s the energy we’re directing at someone. However, this energy can only affect someone if they welcome it and hold it as truth. Curses and spells only work if the curser and the “cursed” believe in it, not vice versa.

The Curse of King Tut

King Tut

The King Tut curse is a perfect example of the power of belief. “Death comes on wings to he who enters the tomb of the Pharoah” is said to be inscribed over the entrance of King Tut’s tomb. In 1922, two men named Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon found the tomb and entered it anyway. Not long after, a mosquito bit one of the men, Lord Carnarvon, on the cheek.

He opened the cut while shaving and died of blood poisoning. By 1929, seven years later, eleven others connected to the expedition died in “mysterious” ways. That was enough proof for people to grab onto the and believe in the curse’s power. When you stop and think about it, though, aren’t a lot of deaths mysterious? Death rarely ever makes sense. People die every day in ways we can’t comprehend, and there are many unexpected and senseless ways people pass.

However, the story’s moral is what happened to the other man, Howard Carter. He’s the one who led the expedition and was the first man to enter the supposedly cursed tomb. Guess what happened to him? Nothing- that’s what. Absolutely nothing. He went on to live a long and healthy life. He went on to live a long and healthy life. The only difference between him and the others? He didn’t believe in curses and openly expressed his disbelief multiple times.

Harold Bennett

Dr Dossey

The story of Harold Bennett is another classic example of how our thoughts and beliefs affect our lives. Dr. Larry Dossey was a new doctor interning at a Texas hospital. There he met a patient named Harold Bennett, whose body was giving out and who appeared to be dying. None of the doctors could figure out what was wrong with him. They ran countless tests, scans, and labs with nothing physical showing up.

Dr. Dossey candidly discussed with Mr. Bennett hoping to get more information. That’s when the patient told him that a fortune teller had cursed him because he had refused to pay her a large sum. Dr. Dossey worried that traditional medicine wouldn’t work on the patient because he had already convinced himself he was dying from a curse. That’s when he and a colleague decided to try something different.

They designed and carried out a voodoo ceremony to undo the curse. They sat Mr. Bennett before them while they lit a small fire, took a lock of his hair, and began a chant. When they finished the performance, they told him they had removed his curse and that it could no longer affect him. The following day, Dr. Dossey checked on him and found him sitting in bed, eating breakfast.

He seemed to have recovered entirely. His recovery continued throughout the following days. He was sent home within the week and continued to live a normal life. You have to ask yourself- did the doctors figure out the formula for the ceremony and perform it correctly somehow? Or did the power of belief both hurt AND heal Harold Bennett??

You Are Not Cursed


Believing in curses is natural when your life isn’t going as planned. A blog reader, I’ll call her Sue for privacy, wrote to me saying she believes she had a curse on her. Everything was going wrong for her. Her parents had been killed in a tragic car accident when she was a teenager, married young to a man who became abusive towards her and had a failed business under her belt.

I didn’t know her well, but I knew curses and spells weren’t real. The only advice I could give her was to speak to a gifted psychic for advice, and I referred her to my online psychic reviews page for help finding the best one for her. She wrote me back later, saying that a psychic from Psychic Source helped her change her life completely.

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The psychic explained to Sue that she wasn’t cursed but simply living with a victim mentality. She taught her to train her mind to believe she was a magnet for happiness and success, not a victim of bad luck. The psychic guided her out of the dark tunnel towards the light that awaited her at the end.

With the help of the psychic, Sue discovered what kind of work would give her the most purpose in life. Sue returned to school and became a physical therapist to help others feel good again. Lastly, she stopped wasting her time with men who didn’t deserve her and ended up marrying a man who treated her like a queen. She told me that she never imagined she could be this happy.

Fake Psychics Love Using The Curse Scam

Curses 2

Psychic scammers are very good at getting people to believe their lies. It’s easy when their victim is already vulnerable or desperate. Unfortunately, they’re easy targets for them because they’re already scared, confused, and gullible. They’re willing to do anything to keep themselves safe and healthy. Fake psychics have several ways to convince their victims they’re cursed. One of these ways is to ask the client to tell them about the people they don’t get along with.

They get a feel for who they feel has wronged them before or who they consider an enemy. They then connect the problems they’re having with these people. They’ll tell the client that this person was jealous, mad, resentful, etc., of them and cursed them. They convince them that the curse will continue to haunt them until they recruit the help of a higher force. The scammers then “call upon a higher power to battle the dark forces and remove the curse.”

Of course, these services always come with a hefty price tag. They aren’t usually a one-time fee either, and they typically include recurring fees to continue fighting off the curse. There are generally advance payments, ongoing payments, and other costs, even after completing the job. Additionally, scamming psychics use sleight of hand and props to convince the client they’re cursed. One of the most popular among these fake psychics is the “cursed egg” trick. 

Please read about it here, along with the other common psychic scams. Lastly, fake psychics lie to people about how their belongings are cursed. They convince unsuspecting victims to hand over their valuable possessions to get destroyed. The psychic then switches their items with a bag of newspapers, burns the trash, and keeps the belongings for themselves.

What To Do If You Still Think You’re Cursed

If you’re like my reader and think you’re cursed, I suggest you speak to a psychic about it. However, you must run far away from a psychic who agrees (or even suggests) that you’re cursed and that they can fix it for a hefty price. Genuine psychics know you’re not cursed and don’t prey on your fears. Paying a fortune to remove a supposed curse is a common psychic scam. We all go through hard times and bad luck, but we also experience times of good luck. That’s just life.

You have to hold yourself accountable for what’s going on in your life and make a plan to fix it. Even if something isn’t your fault, it’s still up to nobody but yourself to make it better. Ultimately, if you believe you’re a victim, the Universe will treat you like one. Again, curses are only real if you believe in them, not if you choose to believe in yourself and your power.

Start thinking good things are coming your way, and the Universe will reward you. If you’re having love, family, self-esteem, or job issues, remember that you have choices. You aren’t doomed to live a life you don’t like forever. You have one life to live and deserve to be happy. Speak with a psychic below to develop a personalized game plan that will turn your situation around for the better.

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Angela Moore founded Psychic Review Online in 2008 after being scammed out of her life savings by a psychic con artist. Since then she has devoted her time to rooting out the frauds and helping people find a real psychic reader.

  1. Great read Angela! I’ve have tried time and time again to get my superstitious friends to understand this. I think I’m just going to send them a link to this page instead, you nailed it! BTW, love reading your site.

  2. I called a psychic she wanted money fom me I gave her 100 dollars and when she wanted more I refused and now he’s mad threaten me…what do I do…

    • Hi Lakevia, tell her that if she doesn’t stop calling you, you will call the Police. If she persists then call the Police and report her for harassment. They take cases like this very seriously.

  3. Just read this I went to see someone and I think I keep going back becomes I believed what she was telling me I have given to much money and need to stop but the last time I seen her it did trek right I don’t know if she did some magic or what but the water turned red. I’m not gonna go back to her just afraid that she will keep calling me what should I do

  4. I’m so glad I read this! I read this article a few days ago and yesterday I decided to go see a psychic that has been advertising in my town. She immediately tried to tell me I was cursed because my grandpa did something terrible years ago and she could remove the curse for $500. Thanks to you I laughed and ran out of there as fast as a could. Keep up the good work angela!

    • Hey Susan that’s awesome to hear! That’s one of the oldest tricks in the phony Psychic playbook! I love it when I can help keep someone from getting ripped off. Stay vigilant!

    • Reading this made me so happy Susan! Thats why I do this, hopefully I can save some people from getting scammed.

  5. Hi Angela just stumbled upon this site, I am in south Africa. I have so much misfortune that I discovered not 1 but psychics online, and each time I did everything was asked of me, the first two I could tell that they just stole my money and Neva contacted them again, the 3rd I did everything asked of me and with all of this I lost in total R25000(south african rands), and during this time I got myself into a financial rut, lost my mum and ended up in hospital so I totally felt I’ve been cursed. But how and why because I don’t have any enemies. Anyway I finally realized that all 3 just stole my !money and now I’m trying to get myself up. Thank you I needed this I won’t b fooled again . love xoxoxo

    • Hi Soomaya,

      I’m really sorry for your loss. I’m so happy I could help you realize you aren’t cursed. Sometimes life has a way of hitting you with bad things all at once. You just have to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and learn from your mistakes. A lot of times we try and look for reasons for our misfortunes and most of the time there is no reason, that’s just life. I know its not much but I will pray for you Soomaya, I genuinely hope things get better for you. Stay positive my friend!

  6. Angela, I completely disagree with this. I’ve been dealing with things unfolding in my life for decades that are virtually impossible. I was (for a long time) very optimistic and believed life is what you make of it. Well after decades of torment in every area of my life, things that are basically impossible keep happening over and over and over. I believe it must be some kind of a curse. I’d like to hear if you have an alternative explanation for something I’ve been dealing with first hand for decades?

  7. I’ve appreciated this website overall, as I had an intuition that Celeste the angelic medium was totally off, and a friend shared with me Elissa, who seemed to conveniently have the same popping image that turned out to be photostock. I would advise against the article written here – it’s not worded properly. You’re pointing out an important truth of how scam artists con clients. But with the way this is worded, you might as well also include a line about how Wicca, Vodun and Santeria are not real religions, which is of course, offensive. Do you want to alienate that many people? The truth is the magical community is closely knit with the psychic community, and so for the psychic community to insist, in effect, magic is not real is a bit absurd. Magic is the flow of psychism charged with intention. And unfortunately, curses are real, but most are much easier to crack than scam artists would set out. If someone is charging you to break a curse they’ve conveniently just located, that is not a good solution, and there is a whole business built around fabricating imaginary curses and scapegoats to hunt down for money. As someone who’s studied witchcraft for 20 years and who actively experiments with magic and energetic-meditations, I’ve found there are very basic things one can do to bump oneself out of a trend of negative energy and circumvent “curses.” I would kindly request that you think about making a revised version of this article, thank you.

  8. I’ve appreciated this website overall, as I had an intuition that Celeste the angelic medium was totally off, and a friend shared with me Elissa, who seemed to conveniently have the same popping image that turned out to be photostock. I would advise against the article written here – it’s not worded properly. You’re pointing out an important truth of how scam artists con clients. But with the way this is worded, you might as well also include a line about how Wicca, Vodun and Santeria are not real religions, which is of course, offensive. Do you want to alienate that many people? The truth is the magical community is closely knit with the psychic community, and so for the psychic community to insist, in effect, magic is not real is a bit absurd. Magic is the flow of psychism charged with intention. And unfortunately, curses are real, but most are much easier to crack than scam artists would set out. If someone is charging you to break a curse they’ve conveniently just located, that is not a good solution, and there is a whole business built around fabricating imaginary curses and scapegoats to hunt down for money. As someone who’s studied witchcraft for 20 years and who actively experiments with magic and energetic-meditations, I’ve found there are very basic things one can do to bump oneself out of a trend of negative energy and circumvent “curses.” I would kindly request that you think about making a revised version of this article, thank you.

  9. I think that I have been scammed by Padre the Angelic Guide who appears to be a handsome, bearded older man. I think that when these “guides” tell you that they are concerned for you because someone has cast a spell or curse on them, is extremely cruel. I already purchased a “free gift” and the service from Padre, within the past few weeks. Do you think I should try to get my money back?

  10. Hi Angela,

    I have been scammed by Magellan the spiritual medium. When I stumble upon your article regarding this so called medium, I almost had a heart attack. I copied and pasted your article and sent it out to him by email today. Plus, I asked for a full reimbursement. Funny thing, magellan, did mention if I am not satisfied, he will fully reimburse me… I am hoping he will… Thank you Angela, for opening up my eyes. I did sense something was off with him…. He gave me his vibratory dates and numbers to play the lottery as well as an additional personal lucky numbers to play, he said it was sent to him from my Spiritual Guide.. I asked several time to reveal this spiritual guide, all he said was HE. Angela, I am seeking for a real medium for a reading about my personal life, work and financial stability….

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